
An introduction of CN3 SKIN

I forgot that the sale announced it about CN3 Skin.
CN3 Skin is different from prize of Lucky Chair in make up and a color of the skin, and it is a similar kind.

CN3 skin sample
SKIN COLOR PACK(incuide 10 skins): Cream 2500L$ / Nuts 2500L$ / Latte 2500L$
Single Make Set(include 2 skins): for each 800L$

:::LittleBird Nation::: Glenn

:::LittleBird::: kaguya*Mall

CN3 Nuts smoky

CN3 skin Cream cool

CN3 skin Latte smoky


The Lucky chair end!

Hi all!

I am very glad that many people visit in my shop for a lucky chair.
I intend to put a Lucky Chair until 19th in Glenn shop and until 22nd in Kaguya Mall .
If you do not yet obtain a prize, hurry up to get in my shop!

:::Little Bird nation::: Glenn and :::Little Bird::: kagya* Mall


Lucky Chair

I set a Lucky chair which three kinds of prizes ware include!
An initial change every 20minues.
Please come to get at my shop and kagya* Mall

CN3 Doll skin & Eyes (pink&blue)

CN3 Goth skin & Eyes (orange & red)

CN3 Elf skin & Eyes (gray & green)

All prizes include a shape.
Doll and Goth shape is same.


CN3 SKIN Goth01

CN3 SKIN Goth02

CN3 SKIN Elf 01

CN3 SKIN Elf 02